Tag Archives: Shannon Baker Fitness Model

Fitness: Incorporating KettleBells into Your Workout

Fitness Model: Shauna Baker

Fitness Model: Shauna Baker

Fitness Model: Shannon Baker

Fitness Model: Shannon Baker

A lot of people don’t know how important combining weights into your workout routine is. A lot of you know that Shauna and I come from a high fashion modeling background. The thing about fashion modeling is that there is a lot of pressure to stay “skinny” and to not gain muscle. We think muscle and toning looks amazing. Many women think that combining weights into your workout will make you look bulky. We can tell you from experience, combining weights into your workout will not make you bulky it will make you lean and toned.

One of our favorite weights that we incorporate into our work out is the kettle bell. The amazing thing about the kettle bell is that it’s center of gravity changes during your workout routine. The shape of the kettle bell allows you to transition from one exercise to the other without putting it down. Because you can transition from one workout to the next you burn calories faster and get toned faster then your normal workouts. According to the researchers at the University of Wisconsin, you can burn 20 calories a minute, or 400 in a 20 minute session just using a kettle bell during your workout.

Shauna and I are super excited to get new custom made kettle bells from Zoo Bells. As soon as we get the kettle bells we will start posting photos of our kettle bell workouts so you can see what we do with them.

I hope you guys are all looking forward to seeing our ‘Fit Twin Tuesday’ videos that we will be posting on our youtube channel: www.youtube.com/BakerTwins If you haven’t followed our youTube channel yet, please do.

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FITNESS: Women that workout have man bodies

The Baker Twins

Check out The Baker Twin’s 5-Minute Workout Videos on their YouTube Channel! youtube.com/BakerTwins

There is a huge misconception about working out that I want to disprove: women who workout have man bodies. The idea that after a few dead-lifts and overhead squats you are going to come out of the gym looking like the hulk is ridiculous. Unfortunately this is what modeling agents, photographers and models would tell my sister and I. The sad part about these misconceptions is that I believed them!

For those of you that do not know I started my career as a model. (Seven years to be exact). My sister and I would stick to the most boring exercises in the world like: running, treadmills, climbing stairs, elliptical machines. However, after SIX years I decided that I was bored.

I wanted a change in my life. I researched some gyms online in Los Angeles and discovered the perfect gym. This gym had pink floors, pink weights, pink bathrooms, pink EVERYTHING! I was sold on the fact that this all women’s gym was so girly! (By the way, this is probably the worst reason to ever pick a gym. But, it ended up by working out in my case). I figured that an all girls gym would totally not be about making “man bodies” and that there wasn’t going to be any heavy lifting. Well, I was wrong about one thing: There was a ton of lifting. The gym I walked into was a cross fit gym that had a slogan on their wall that said: “Building lean mean girly machines”.

I started going to this gym. I decided that as soon as I got any little sign of developing a “man body” that I would quit right then and there. It has now been about sixteen months since I started at Pink Iron. And, am relieved to report that I do not have facial hair, man arms, bulging neck, or a man face. This cross fit gym taught me how to target certain muscle groups, lift weights and about athleticism. The most important thing that pink iron taught me was that women that workout have AMAZING bodies!

Since I have discovered my newfound passion I have been picking up fitness books on: training, health, fitness, nutrition, weight lifting, and workout routines. There is so much to learn about fitness! (How exciting!)

Fitness has opened me up to a whole other world that I didn’t know existed! There are a ton of fitness groups out there that like to: workout in the park, work out on the beach, go on hikes, do yoga, etc. I have found out that I have a hard time saying no when people invite me to anything fitness oriented. (What an amazing and rewarding life!)

Not only is there a huge community out in the real world but there is a huge community online! Instagram has got to be my favorite social media for interacting with fitness people. I am constantly getting motivation and words of encouragement from fellow instagramers. I am also constantly checking out hashtags like #fitfam #fitspo #health #fitness and finding people that inspire me. I especially love the motiviational slogans people can put on their Instagram photos.

I wish that I had joined this fit lifestyle a long time ago. (Man, I have missed out on a lot.) That is why I felt compelled to write this blog. To let you women know that you will not look like a man if you workout. My life has improved immensely since being involved with fitness. I love my life! And I want you to love your life too! So become fit and healthy and get into the gym without fears of developing man bodies! Come out looking like a beautiful healthy and fit woman!

Shannon Baker

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