Tag Archives: How To get Back to working out

How to Get Back to Working Out

Perhaps your motivation to work out is to get that summer body that you have been wanting or you have an upcoming wedding you are planning on going to. Whatever the reason for wanting to work out, starting a new training routine is something every person has a hard time dealing with regardless of his or her fitness experience level. I am going to tell you some steps to getting into a training regime.

1. Start Slowly

A big problem with people that begin to first start working out is that it is easy to set unrealistic goals for themselves. Instead of saying you are going to work out every single day commit to 3-4 days. Studies have shown that it takes 12 weeks to form a new habit. It can be easy to feel less motivated when you are not achieving your goals. When going to the gym becomes more habitual for you then you can start increasing your workout days.

2. Commit to 5 minutes of working out

A commitment of 5 minutes seems less overwhelming than committing to a full hour. Once you are up and moving you will more likely work out longer. Start with 5 minutes and see where you end up. My sister and I have posted some quick 5-minute workout videos that you can do anywhere! The 5-Min videos can be found on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/BakerTwins.

3. Set Goals

Setting goals plays a huge part in staying motivated. Short term and long term goals are important for success. Make sure your goals are realistic and achievable.

4. Plan Your Workout

Decide on the days that you are going to go to train and commit to it! Plan your workout days and what part of your body you are going to train. And commit. Be prepared and have a gym bag packed and ready to go!

5. Find a workout buddy

Team up with a buddy, friend, or family member that enjoy working out. This will help you stay motivated. Plan workouts together and chat about your goals. Do fun fitness activities together like rock climbing, jogging, and tennis or hiking. Workouts can be a lot more enjoyable when you are having fun! Having a workout buddy is a win-win for everyone!

6. Have fun!

The number one reason why people give up exercise is because it becomes boring. Find an exercise that you enjoy! Join a fitness class! Keep active by catching up with friends by hiking or walking with your friends. If you have a dog, consider daily walks – it’s great for both of you! Join a fitness class that you wouldn’t normally try. Watch your favorite TV show or read that book that you have been wanting to catch up on while you are on a stationary bike. And be sure to alternate your workout activities so it is fresh and exciting!

7. Eat well and hydrate

Staying hydrated and eating nutritious food is very important in reaching your fitness goals. If you want to train hard, have energy and get results then you need to invigorate your body. Make sure that you are eating a balanced diet of proteins, healthy fats, vegetables, fruits and grains.

8. Don’t be down on yourself

It takes a while to see results so don’t be down on yourself if it isn’t happening sooner than you expected. They say it takes four weeks for you to see results of your body changing. It takes eight weeks for your family and friends to notice your body changing. And it takes twelve weeks for the rest of the world to notice. I can guarantee that you won’t see results instantly but be patient and you will notice a difference as long as you follow all the steps that I listed!

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