Tag Archives: Face Mask

PHOTO: Tru Self Organics

Shannon Baker

Shannon Baker with Tru Self Organics Detoxifying Mask

I’m treating my skin with an organic and natural detoxifying face mask by TruSelf Organics. I’ve spent the past week in heavy film make up from working on set. My skin is in desperate need of a major skin detox! Thankfully this mask works hard to keep my skin blemish free.

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PHOTO: TruSelf Organics

Shauna Baker

Shauna with Tru Self Organics Detoxifying Mask

Starting my morning with my favorite organic blemish fighter! TruSelf Organics is a facial make that is all natural and I use it weekly to keep away the blemishes.

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PHOTO: Blemish Fighter! True Self Organics

Shauna Baker with her TruSelf Organics detoxifying mask

Shauna Baker with her TruSelf Organics detoxifying mask

This is a beauty secret of mine and Shannon’s. We apply our all natural Detoxifying Mask by True Self Organics to help us get red carpet read. It’s an organic way to fight my blemishes.

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