Tag Archives: Behind the Scenes

Behind The Scenes: Our #MadeToMake Baker Twins commercial

The Baker Twins at the MMVAs

The Baker Twins at their #MadeToMake MUCH Commercial.

Shannon Baker

Shannon on set of The Baker Twin’s #MadeToMake MUCH commercial

We are having a blast on set of our #MadeToMake Baker Twin’s commercial for MUCH! We are so happy to be MUCH creators! And have so much gratitude for all of the opportunities MUCH has given us!

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Filming a movie ‘A Life Less Empty’

Actors Nathaniel Arcand and Shannon Baker on the set of A Life Less Empty.

Actors Nathaniel Arcand and Shannon Baker on the set of A Life Less Empty.

This is my last day on set filming the movie ‘A Life Less Empty’. This guy right here is my friend Nathaniel Arcand who is playing my boyfriend in the film. This pic was one of the stills from the film! Looking forward to you all watching the movie! Rueben Martell is a director, writer and actor in the film. I really had a great time working with the cast & crew! And the best part of working on new projects is making new friends! Congrats to Larissa Papin who did such a good job on the film and who is also making her first debut in a movie. Was such a pleasure working with everyone involved! The movie isn’t finished yet and I’m looking forward to coming back to Saskatchewan for all of the winter scenes!


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Photos: BakerTwins Army Photoshoot

Twin Actor Headshot: Shauna Baker & Shannon Baker

Twin Actor Headshot: Shauna Baker & Shannon Baker

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Photoshoot: Tis the season for bikinis


Shauna Baker (left) & Shannon Baker (right). Photographer: Joseph Rasch, Make-up: Carmen Marie.

Shannon Baker. Photographer: Joseph Rasch, Make-up Carmen Marie.

Shannon Baker. Photographer: Joseph Rasch, Make-up Carmen Marie.

Shauna BakerShauna Baker. Photographer: Joseph Rasch, Make-up: Carmen Marie.

Shannon Baker Swimsuit. Photographer: Joseph Rasch, Make-up: Carmen Marie

Shannon Baker Swimsuit. Photographer: Joseph Rasch, Make-up: Carmen Marie.

Shauna Baker & Shannon Baker

Shauna Baker (left) & Shannon Baker (right). Photographer: Joseph Rasch, Make-up: Carmen Marie.

Shannon Baker (left) & Shauna Baker (right). Photographer: Joseph Rasch, Make-up: Carmen Marie

Shannon Baker (left) & Shauna Baker (right). Photographer: Joseph Rasch, Make-up: Carmen Marie

Shannon Baker Swimsuit. Photographer: Joseph Rasch, Make-up: Carmen Marie

Shannon Baker Swimsuit. Photographer: Joseph Rasch, Make-up: Carmen Marie.

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Photoshoot: New Baker Twins Actor Headshot

BakerTwins Actor Headshot: Shauna Baker (left) & Shannon Baker (right)

BakerTwins Actor Headshot: Shauna Baker (left) & Shannon Baker (right)

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Behind The Scenes: Magazine Photoshoot & Video Shoot for YouTube

Behind The Scenes Photo from Magazine Photoshoot & Video Shoot: Shauna Baker & Shannon Baker

We are so excited to start being more interactive on YouTube. We have decided that as soon as our “BakerTwins” cartoon/animation is finished we are going to start putting out 1 youtube video a week on our youTube channel: youtube.com/BakerTwins.

For more ‘behind the scenes’ photos please check out our instagram: @TheBakerTwins

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Behind The Scenes: Video Shoot for the ‘Baker Twins’ youTube channel

Video Still from Baker Twin’s Fashion Video for their YouTube channel. www.TheBakerTwins.com

Video Still from Baker Twin’s Fashion Video for their YouTube channel: (Shauna Baker & Shannon Baker)

Yay! We are filming our first video of the summer for our BakerTwins youTube channel right now! Shauna and I are SO PUMPED! In August Shauna and I will be giving you guys one video a week every Thursday! We are so excited to be able to be more interactive with you via video! I know you have seen us in our pictures on our social media accounts and some of you have seen us in television/ movies. We like the idea of being able to use YouTube because it is more interactive and instant!


BakerTwin Fashion Video Team from left to right: Carmen Marie (Make-up), Shauna Baker, Shannon Baker, Edwin Candelaria (Hair Stylist).

For more ‘behind the scenes’ photos please check out our shared instagram: @TheBakerTwins


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