Tag Archives: Beauty Secret

Beauty Secrets: Preventing Acne

Shannon Baker

Shannon Baker ready to use her Tru-Self Detoxifying Mask which helps prevent acne breakouts.

My sister and I have been unfortunately blessed with problem skin. I’ve heard all my life how having oily skin is a blessing in disguise because it keeps you young looking. Well, Shauna and I have been battling acne our entire lives. We have spent thousands of dollars going to dermatologists & buying every expensive acne product available to man. Well, after many years we have finally combatted the problem. Now, we still get the occasional zit but here a few of our Beauty Secrets to keeping your skin clear.

1. Make sure you hydrate. Water is important! The more water you drink  means the more toxins you flush out of your body and skin! Make sure to hydrate your skin from the inside out. Shauna and I like to start our day off by drinking water as soon as we wake up.

2. Clean your skin. And use products that are the simple. I try to use non-comedogenic everything that includes things like: face washes, face lotions and face toners. Another trick is to NOT over-wash your face. People with acne have a bad rep of not washing their face and this is the furthest from the truth! It is important to wash your face before and after you go to bed. Washing your face every second of the day is just irritating on your skin. Once a week, I like to use a good organic natural mud mask like Tru Self Organics Detoxifying Mask on my face to prevent breakouts.

3. Don’t touch your face. Your hands touch door handles, car doors, money etc. And all of that stuff you touch throughout the day is full of bacteria. You do not want that bacteria on your face. So, refrain from touching your face.

4. Cut down on your sugar intake. I think we all know that sugar is bad. But did you know that sugar clogs your pores? Gross! Sugar triggers a boost of insulin! Too much insulin in your bloodstream can trigger changes in your body that can lead to the growth of pore-clogging cells which also boosts the production of sebum in your oil glands. So next time you are thinking about having that eating that candy apple think about the consequences of what it will have on your skin.

5. Eat Omega 3 fats. Guess what? Some fats are good! I’m actually a proponent of healthy fats like Omega-3s! Not only are good fats excellent for making your body more fit. It is super awesome for your skin! And just to get a little scientific with you. Omega-3s controls the production of leukotriene B4, a molecule that increases sebum and causes acne! Great sources of Omega-3s are fish (my fav is salmon), flaxseed, walnuts, brussels sprouts & cauliflower.

6. Exfoliate: I’m a huge proponent of exfoliation. Exfoliation calms down your oil glands which can lead to breakouts. It also gets rid of dry skin which is a breeding ground for bacteria. Flaking skin leads to clogged pores and no one wants that! Warning: Do not over exfoliate, only exfoliate a few times a week.

7. Keep your phone clean. You press your phone against your face every day. We already went over how it is important to not touch your face, so you want to make sure your phone is clean! We now live in an era with touch screen phones. So sanitize your phone. Carry sanitization wipes if you have to. And if you really want to be good to your face, use a headset to talk on your phone.

8. Use your Hair products the right way. When people buy shampoos and conditioners they aren’t thinking about buying products that are good for your skin. “Pomade acne” are breakouts that are caused by hair-care products like shampoo, conditioners and hair sprays. This forms acne that seeps into skin usually around the hairline. To fight this problem apply your hair products before you wash your face. Washing your face after you shampoo and condition washes all that acne-causing residue to be washed off your face. If you use hair products like  hairsprays make sure to wash your face before you put your make-up on, otherwise you are trapping all that gunk on your skin under your make up which causes bacteria to fester which leads to acne. I try to buy non-comedogenic & oil free products.

9. Change your Pillow cases weekly.
Pillows can be a breeding ground for bacteria so make sure to change your pillow cases! Try to purchase fragrance-free and a no dye laundry detergent.

10. Get your beauty rest! Studies show that proper rest reduces the amount of stress you have. And stress leads to acne! So we don’t want any of that. Make sure to get your 7-8 hours of rest! And try to sleep in a cool room. You don’t want to sweat in your sleep so turn your thermostat down.

11. Exercise: Working out increases your blood circulation which sends oxygen to your skin cells which then carries out toxins. Just make sure to wash your face with water right after your workout. The sooner the better! Working out also decreases stress which will in turn decrease the chances of breaking out.

12. Take a skin break: I’m talking to those girls (and guys) who like to wear make-up. If you are one of those people that wear make-up daily, make sure to take a break every once in a while. Let your skin breathe! And for goodness sake, definitely take your make-up off before you go to bed.

13. Cut stress out: I already went over a few ways of cutting stress out like exercising and getting sleep. Stress can cause breakouts. If you have to listen to some relaxing music, talk with your friends or family, exercise, go to the beach… Do whatever it is that you have to do to relax and not stress. Because you can do everything on this list and still break out because you are stressed! So cut the stress out so you can cut the acne out!

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PHOTO: Blemish Fighter! True Self Organics

Shauna Baker with her TruSelf Organics detoxifying mask

Shauna Baker with her TruSelf Organics detoxifying mask

This is a beauty secret of mine and Shannon’s. We apply our all natural Detoxifying Mask by True Self Organics to help us get red carpet read. It’s an organic way to fight my blemishes.

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