Tag Archives: Adam Beach

Adam Beach booked Suicide Squad!!!

So happy and so very very proud of my friend Adam Beach for working in the next DC Comics movie ‪#‎SuicideSquad‬! He will be playing the role of the villain and mastermind ‪#‎Slipknot‬.

I’m sure many of you know who Adam Beach is, but for those who don’t, he has paved the road for not only Native American actors but he continues to inspire and influence non-native talent as well. He has knocked down a lot of doors that many actors are now able to walk through today.

Adam’s guidance has encouraged my sister Shannon and I to push ourselves by hard work and dedication. We couldn’t have asked for a better mentor. He taught us that fear is a limitation and to advance further you must walk forward…never backwards. Listen to your gut and keep only positive and empowering people around you, lift those who lift you and cut negative people out of your life.

Anyway! I can’t wait to see the movie and did I mention I am beyond excited that he get’s to work with Will Smith and Jared Leto!!!

Adam Beach and Shauna Baker

Adam Beach and Shauna Baker

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Article: Bakertwins lend fame to children’s charity

JUNE 21, 2013

Two of the region’s most famous faces in pop culture are leading the campaign to put laptops in the hands of underprivileged children.

They may split their residency now between Los Angeles and Vancouver, and travel to film sets and photo shoots and runway shows all over the world, but twin sisters Shauna and Shannon Baker are nonetheless trying to knock down hurdles for the people growing up back in their home town and places just like it.

The Baker twins are involved in several movie and television projects but they never disclaim their heritage. Home and family are still rooted in the Stellat’en First Nation on the Stellako Reserve at Fraser Lake.

“We were born in Prince George but we were raised in Fraser Lake,” Shauna said. “We moved around a lot. We lived in Merritt and Nanaimo too, but for the most part we always moved back to Fraser Lake.”

Shannon also has a work connection to the Yekooche First Nation near Fort St. James. One of her first adult jobs was teaching computers in that remote community, which had only one computer and one phone line to use. She and Shauna were inspired by the determination of the people there to learn, even in those conditions. Now, years later, they see their little sister with her own laptop, and understood all the more how important the tools of education are, especially for those who live in rural areas or financially thin households.

Consequently, the Baker twins have leant their fame to a nationwide charity campaign to provide under-financed children with their own personal computer. It is called One Laptop Per Child-Canada. The program has been underway for years in Third World countries, and its foray into Canada is championed by celebrated industrialist and former MP Belinda Stronach.

It includes a TV/YouTube commercial celebrating the work already done, in the hopes of generating more funds for more computers. The first faces seen in the public service announcement are Shauna and Shannon Baker.

“Aboriginal youth are the fastest growing demographic in Canada,” the twins tell the camera.

They are joined in the ad by other Canadian celebrities like actor/author Dakota House, actor Adam Beach, singer/songwriter Cory Lee, and some non-Canadians including actor David Henrie, rock band Bright Light Social Hour, even rock superstar Gene Simmons of Kiss who tells the audience “with a computer, you can create, play, access the global community.”

Close to 4,000 laptops have already been distributed in Canada through the One Laptop Per Child-Canada program. The computers are specially designed with an extra-durable frame, screens that remain legible even in bright sun, and have a solar and wind-up power source when plug-ins are scarce.

“You can give it to 10 year olds and studies with Third World kids show that within 10 minutes they are figuring it out,” said the sisters. “It is a tool they understand. It is going to help so many kids and so many communities. These kids will bring it home and teach their mother or father, or their younger siblings. We have a lot of native communities living like Third World countries. If [Shannon] didn’t take that job at Yekooche, we wouldn’t have known, either, that those communities existed. We are trying to give them the same opportunities that kids everywhere have.”

For more information on how to contribute or how to access these services, visit http://www.olpccanada.com.

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Dreamcatcher Foundation Gala Charity 2012

Shauna Baker & Shannon Baker

Shauna and I were honoured to attend the Dreamcatcher Foundation Gala this year for the third time in the past two years. This charity truly is a wonderful charity that makes the dreams of First Nations peoples come true.

This year we modeled for Denise Brillon’s runway show ‘Artifaax’. Shauna and I were the lead models tonight and it truly was an honour. We have been grateful to be in the Artifaax runway shows which has been taken all across North America. Shauna Baker and I along with Artifaax support the Dreamcatcher Foundation Charity wholeheartedly.

Adam Beach & Shannon Baker

Shauna Baker, Shane Yellowbird, Shannon Baker

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