Tag Archives: 6 ways to stay motivated when you first start working out

FITNESS: 6 ways to stay motivated when you first start working out

Models & Actresses: The Baker Twins. Make-up by: Jackie Friedman, Hair by: Edwin Candelaria.

Fitness Models: The Baker Twins. Make-up by: Jackie Friedman, Hair by: Edwin Candelaria.

The hardest thing about starting to work out is to stay motivated. It’s incredibly easy to not want to go to the gym the first couple of weeks because you know what results you want and getting the results doesn’t happen instantly. The first six weeks are always the most difficult because you are changing your entire life style. You are making changes to your diet, routines and daily schedule. But after those 4-6 weeks, we promise, that if you stick to a healthy diet and a daily fitness routine you will see a positive change in your body and your mind. Here are six ways in which you can stay motivated:

1. Change your Mind: Your fitness is 100% mental. Your body won’t go where your mind doesn’t push it. Don’t complain about the things that you don’t like about your body. Start talking about the things that you like about your body. When you are fixated on the things you don’t like about yourself, you start perpetuating that negative image in your head. When you start thinking about positive things like how amazing you will feel after you work out and all of the benefits you will get, it makes it easier to stay motivated.

Having gratitude also helps in changing your mind. The first thing that both Shauna and I have made a habit of doing is waking up and saying out loud what we have gratitude for. Your gratitude list will change every day. Another tip is to look in the mirror some time during your day and say something positive to yourself in the mirror like: “Your body is changing in a good way right now because of all of the healthy food you are eating and all of the exercises you have been doing.”

2. Make Goals: There is a really good saying that Shauna and I like: “People with fitness goals succeed because they know where they are going.” That quote has so much truth to it. By setting up short term and long-term goals you can motivate yourself by thinking about them. Your short-term goal might be to lose a half an inch around your waist in a month. And a long-term goal might be to lose a certain amount of pounds in a year. Short term and long term goals are extremely important for motivation.

3. Have Fun: Don’t do the same exercises over and over again. If you want some quick and new exercises you can always use social networking sites like Instagram and YouTube to find some new exercises. Take up some new sports like kick boxing, swimming, rock climbing, or cross fit. When you aren’t bored with working out and you are having fun it is much easier to stay motivated.

4. Be Consistent: Even if you plan to only work out 2 days a week, make sure to adhere to that schedule. Some people make the mistake when they first start working out by working out every single day, then burn out. If you allot 2 or 3 days a week to work out then make sure to stick to that schedule and know that no matter what those 2 or 3 days that you will be working out.

5. Motivational Music: Making a playlist of music that gets you pumped is very important to your workout routine. We all have music that gets us pumped and makes us want to jump up and down, or dance! According to David-Lee Priest, PhD, a psychologist and researcher at the University of East Anglia, music can motivate you to work longer and harder. So create that play list and jam to it when you are working out!

6. Stay Positive: Understand that it takes time to see results. Don’t compare yourself to others. It can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks for your body to get use to the changes that are taking place in your body and for you personally to see the results. There is a good saying that goes: “It takes 4 weeks for you to see changes in your body. It takes 6 weeks for your friends and family to see your changes in your body. And, it takes 12 weeks for everyone else to see the changes in your body.” Don’t have expectations of seeing results before those 6 weeks.

In the end, the only person that can motivate yourself is YOU. You are the key to your fitness success!

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