Tag Archives: 6 ways to get fit

FITNESS: 6 Ways To Get Fit

Fitness Models: Shauna Baker & Shannon Baker

Fitness Models: Shauna Baker & Shannon Baker

1. Get enough Sleep: Sleeping sounds simple. But, when you don’t get at least 7 hours of sleep a night, your body makes more ghrelin which causes you to crave sugar which then turns into fat. Being tired throughout the day is from lack of energy. It is easier to not want to work out in the gym when you don’t have the energy to do it.

2. Drink Water: You need at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water helps you get fitter in so many ways.

Water fills you up. Most of the time when you drink water it is usually because your mind tends to confuse hunger and thirst. So, when you think you are hungry, poor yourself a glass of water first. If you are still hungry afterwards, then have a snack.

Not drinking enough water leads to dehydration, which slows bodily functions and your metabolism. Studies show that when you drink enough water it contributes to your body’s ability to burn calories.

A “water trick’ that Shauna and I like to do is drink ice-cold water when we first wake up. Your body has to use energy to warm up the water when it enters your system. Drinking ice cold water increases your metabolism while your body burns calories in the process. This is one of the reasons why professional athletes drink room temperature water so that they can conserve their energy for the game.

3. Stay Away from Sugar: Sugar is the devil. (Kidding). A lot of people don’t know that sugar turns into fat. You get enough sugar from fresh fruit and vegetables. There is no need to add sugar to your foods. There are so many options to sugar available like grading apple and cinnamon into your oatmeal or adding stevia extract into your coffee.

4. Eat Good Fats: A lot of people get surprised when they find out how much we enjoy eating healthy fats. It takes fat to burn fat. Its sugar that makes you gain weight, not fat. Good fats are high in Omega 3 like salmon, flaxseed and spinach. These foods also help by making you feel full longer.

5. Lifting Weights: Shauna and I love lifting weights because it burns calories while toning your muscles. Lifting tears your muscles and the healing process can take about two days, which burns calories and takes up energy. Incorporating weights into every workout is very beneficial for a healthy body.

6. Eat Green Food: If you ever have trouble when you are grocery shopping and are unsure what healthy foods to purchase, always buy green. Kale, arugula, spinach, collards, mustard greens all help in food digestion. Green vegetables are packed with vitamins and fiber that helps fight bloating and water retention.

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